Volturyon - Sadistic Molestation

Body covered by coagulated pus
Lacerations turned into festering scabs
Every waking hour is a living hell
Beaten and abused by her old loving dad

Beauty despoiled, a slave under this perversity
Inhumanly deflowered, genetic affinities combined
The old man rapes her again and again
To satisfy his perverted, sadistic needs

An incestuous offspring waiting to be born
Spawned by his filthy, decaying paternal seed
Sadistic molestation

Impregnated by her own flesh and blood
A unification too sick to understand
She rams a rusty knife into her twat
A growing psychosis guiding her hand

An incestuous offspring

Scarred by the vile impregnation the operation begins, self mutilation
Pushing the blade deeper into her womb to erase this unwanted fetus

Blood begins to gush from her lethal wound moist with goo
Pieces of her uterus are scattered across the room
Smeared seed on the hacked remains

Dying on the floor in a pool of crimson sludge
Divested against her will
Death is just the beginning more is yet to come
Cold flesh incest

Her old loving dad's not finished yet, post mortal abuse
Deformation limb by limb, contortion of her lifeless carcass
He chops her up

Trying to fit her in the furnace
A desperate try to get rid of the evidence
Seared body parts completes the abomination
Reduced to ashes by her old loving dad